Still, with all the celebrations that seem to come during this part of the year, I'm taking time out to celebrate one of my favorite prose pieces, "Barefoot by Roadkill" which has been published in the most recent issue of The Briar Cliff Review. With its beautiful design, the journal is absolutely gorgeous. In an age where more and more work is being read online (that is not a bad thing -- I publish online as well, and often online work gets a much wider readership than work that is published in print), it's wonderful to have a work of art arrive in your mailbox.
I'm so looking forward to taking time out of my schedule in the next week from grading final student papers and projects to read the entire issue from cover to cover.
In other semester news, I'm very late with this thank you, but I need to mention how grateful I am that the editors of Rust+Moth accepted my poem, "Renaming the Constellations" which was published this past spring. You can read the poem, here, in the journal's spring issue.