I am teaching an online class this summer and am learning a new program along the way. That has been keeping me fairly busy, but I have found that I am slowly drifting away from my writing goals for the summer. (Perhaps the nice weather has been too distracting?) I wanted to finish five essays that I started, and yes, two are finished (or as finished as any piece of writing can be, I suppose), but I am getting bogged down in the research for two others. As for the fifth essay -- well, I had a great start, but I'm on page five and I have discovered that I'm not sure where to go with the rest of the piece. Perhaps I should slide the draft under my pillow at night and then maybe, I will wake up with a great resolution.
For the most part, poetry has been pushed to the side this year. However, this past month, I did write two new poems and I revised two others. Not terribly productive, I know, but it's better than what I have been doing with my poetry, and I really want to take another look at my manuscript with some fresh, new poems in hand.
A final note about summer plans: Chautuaqua's season officially has officially started, and there are some wonderful workshops on the schedule. If you live in the area, you should take a look at what the Writers Center if offering. As for me, I will be taking an advance poetry workshop with poet Shara McCallum -- so looking forward to jumpstarting (hopefully!) my poetry writing!